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Comprehensive Financial Planning




This Financial Planning Pyramid illustrates the process of building a customized Comprehensive Financial Plan. There is no single cookie-cutter approach to the financial planning. Therefore we spend a great amount of time learning about our clients' goals and conserns during the first meeting. The final plan will always be our client's plan and can always be changed in order to stay current with their situation.

We all heard the term Financial Planning, but what IS Financial Planning?
To many people, it only means hunting for the highest rate of return on their investments. Although it is very important to the success of a Financial Plan, it would never be complete without incorporating estate planning, insurance, investments, taxes, employee benefits and retirement income planning.
Why is it important? Because people may not realize it, but all these planning areas are tied together and may even impact each other. For example, if you lose a job and need money to pay for your usual expenses like mortgage, utilities, food, etc., without an emergency fund previously set up to help cover these expenses for 3-6 months, you may start taking withdrawals from your 401K account which inadvertently will trigger unnecessary tax liability and even penalties for early withdrawals. 

Therefore, our Comprehensive Financial Planning process doesn’t leave anything out. When the plan is finished and put in force, we monitor it and have regular meetings with our clients to ensure that the plan is working. If our clients have any life changes, we help making necessary adjustments to the plan in order to stay on course to achieving their financial goals.
We help people of any ages and financial resources. Whether you’re just starting to learn about your financial future or have been building it for many years, we look forward to meeting you and seeing how we can help.