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A secure, comfortable retirement is every person's dream. Since we're living longer, healtheir lives we can expect to spend more time in retirement than our parents and grandparents did. Achieving the dream of a secure and comfortable retirement is much easier when you plan your finances accordingly.

When you finally retire your main consern may be how you can afford to spend your time traveling, pursuing recreational activities, doing charitable work, purchasing a vacation home or just spoiling your grandkids without running out of money.

The Bucket Bliss Strategy creates "buckets" of investments appropriate to the time frame in which the income need is anticipated. 

Here is how the Buckets work.

Bucket #1 is built with very safe, secure invetments that are designed to provide you with a dependable and predictable income for the first five years.

Bucket #2 Since you have the first five years to let your money grow before it is needed, you can choose investments that are designed to grow for five years and then provide income for the second five years of retirement.

Bucket #3 gives you a ten year period for the investment to grow before you need the money for income. Therefore, you can select investments that allow you to maximize your returns over that time frame. 

Bucket #4 works the same way as Bucket #3 but you have fifteen or more years to let it grow. This gives you the necessary time to withstand the ups and downs of more aggressive investments.


This strategy is not for everyone. Additionally it will be hard to implement it and make necessary changes without our help. Contact us to see if the Bucket Bliss Strategy will work for you.